We only sell directly to distributors and wholesalers worldwide. We do not sell to retail stores or individuals. If you are a retail store please contact your wholesaler for information and pricing regarding our products. If you are an individual your local retail store should be able to guide you.
This is a firm policy, thank you for understanding.

Because of our special rates with the airlines it is required that we ship a minimum amount either consolidated in several large orders or as a single shipment to one customer. This allows us to bring you the very best live fish, live coral and premium live rock at the most economical prices available in the industry today. However, it is necessary for us to establish a minimum amount shipped per week to keep our rates from fluctuating with the airlines.
    For new customers who wish to order for the first time we require a deposit on account before shipping the product. We will establish the amount needed based on your order. We do not ship COD or on open account. We do accept major credit cards and if that is how you would like to pay we will run the card for the full amount of the shipment before the shipment leaves our facility. We do charge the applicable credit card handling fee when used.
    A new stock report is sent out every Thursday night (Fiji time) for your review and ordering. The stock report is interactive for your convenience and accuracy. Please use this form when submitting an order. You can feel free to call us at any time to find out about flight schedules and rates so we can arrange the best service to suit your needs. The contact information is provided below.
    We greatly value your business as well as that of our already established customers. Because of this, we are very careful not to compete against our loyal customers by shipping to their customers. I hope you understand our need to protect those that have supported us through the years and welcome you if you are considering distributing our products on the level we require. It is the only way we have to keep things fair and I am sure that you can appreciate this stance if you are a distributor yourself.

If you feel that you would like to distribute our products and agree with all of the above please feel free to contact us at or

Phone: 679-666-5045, fax 679-666-7591 or mail to:
Walt Smith International
PO Box 4466 Lautoka, Fiji islands South Pacific.

We hope that we can make you a welcome member of our family!
Walt Smith

Walt Smith International Fiji Ltd •  PO BOX 4466  •  Lautoka, Fiji Islands